Machine Learning and Applications Summer School

July 22-26, 2019

Brasov, Romania

In collaboration with Central Washington University (USA) and University Paris 13 (France), “Transilvania” University of Brasov (Romania) organizes a Summer School around “Machine Learning and Applications”.

This summer school is a training environment for both professionals from the industry and graduate students. The event creates an excellent opportunity to meet machine learning experts from several countries in the exciting environment of a charming touristic place in Romania.

The lectures are accompanied by workshops offering hands-on experience with machine learning methods and tools. Generally, lectures are offered at two levels: beginners and advanced, in a modular concept.

Important dates

Application: before May 15, 2019 before May 31, 2019

Acceptance: May 20, 2019 before June 5, 2019

Registration: before June 15, 2019

Keynote speaker

Deep X: Deep Learning with Deep Knowledge
Volker Tresp, Professor, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany and Distinguished Research Scientist, Siemens


Machine Learning and Visual Knowledge Discovery
Boris Kovalerchuk, Computer Science Department, Central Washington University, USA

Hyperparameter Optimization in Machine Learning
Razvan Andonie, Computer Science Department, Central Washington University, USA

Text Analytics
Parisa Rastin, Computer Science Laboratory of Paris Nord (LIPN), Paris 13 University, France

An introduction to unsupervised learning
Jérémie Sublime, ISEP - Ecole d'ingénieurs du numérique, Paris, France

Methods for dimensionality reduction and data projection including linear and non-linear approaches
Nicoleta Rogovschi, Laboratory of Informatics Paris Descartes (LIPADE), Paris Descartes, University France

Topological machine learning including deterministic and probabilistic approaches
Nistor Grozavu, Computer Science Laboratory of Paris Nord (LIPN), Paris 13 University, Fance

An overview of the main methods for matrix and tensor decompositions
Basarab Matei, Computer Science Laboratory of Paris Nord (LIPN), Paris 13 University, France

Unsupervised learning with Artificial Neural Networks
Guénaël Cabanes, Computer Science Laboratory of Paris Nord (LIPN), Paris 13 University, France


Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania 

Central Washington University, USA 

Université Paris 13, France 


